Being overweight for almost all my life always felt like a normal thing to me, I have an amazing husband and a beautiful healthy child so I thought well my life is just perfect, right?
BUT there came that ONE day when I stood in front of the mirror and I began to cry. And that day I knew I need to make some changes right now! I knew that I am not mentally strong enough to do that on my own that’s why I started 60-day challenge.
Changing my diet Dieting was very hard for me as I used to eat lots of sugars and carbs, so to have only smoothies for several days was very shocking for me and my body but with all the support from Chloe and Ben everything was just easier as they give us 24 hours support so when there was a time when I felt like I want to give up I could just give them a text or find them in the gym and we have good chat and they motivated me to keep going and not giving up ! All the exercise was also difficult for me as I never ever exercise before but now I am kind of gym addict :D spending most of my free time there. I love strength training and lifting heavy weights.
60 days challenge made me definitely a better person, I am now stronger mentally and physically. I am trying to help others who have some problems like I used to have. I have also learned that everything in life its possible, you just need to believe in yourself and you are halfway there.
I guess there is not so many men’s out there who publicly likes to talk about weight loss and struggling with weight but I have realised that since I am more open about it I even feel better with myself plus I can help to others.
I have started to do 60-day challenge after realising that I might be going to the gym and lift all the heavyweights but that doesn’t necessary makes me a healthy person. My body fat was ever so high and I thought now is the time to change my lifestyle plus I want to be a good example to my 5-year-old son.
The 60-day challenge helped me a lot as I have learned how to eat healthily plus you can still enjoy your food and it still tastes amazing. The Trainers Really helped me pushed myself to the limit.
Now I feel leaner, healthier and fit that never and truly I don’t think I will manage to do this on my own plus Ben is one of the most motivating trainers I have ever met and he still gives me all the support although the 60-day challenge has finished.
As a photographer, i joined the course to feel a bit better about my self to help stop feeling so tired or lazy and the sessions totally transformed my body so quickly. so happy with my results and I would recommend anyone looking to lose some weight to give the plan a go. I promise you won't regret it
I Started the course to try to get a bit fitter and healthier and I was really looking to lose the extra weight off my stomach and arms that were my problem areas. I never thought I would achieve the fitness that I achieved in just 60 days. I massively improved my running distance and overall strength.
I used to Smoke a little so struggled with the lungs to start with but after the first 30 days, I really felt huge improvement when training. I found the smoothies easy to drink and to do over the course I wasn't really hungry and was pretty happy when I started seeing the results after the first 10 days
I lost 5 inches off my waist and 1 1/2 of my arms so couldn't be happier and would highly recommend it to anyone looking to start living a healthier life.
When I started the 60-day challenge I was excited as I had to lose some weight for my sister's wedding. In my first 2 weeks, i was so happy as I lost just over 9 kg and felt incredible. by the end of the course I was so much more confident in my body and how I look I cant thank the team enough.
Hi, I’m Gary – Co-creator of Lean In 60.
I’ve been in the fitness industry since I was 18 years old, studied extensively at University & founded my own fitness centre in 2013.
Lean in 60 was born from a motivation to help people get a grip on nutrition & consume proper amounts of fruit and vegetables in line with a balanced diet, filled with nutrition the body needs.
In order to prove our way is effective, I spent one year deliberately gaining weight – literally putting myself In the shoes of anyone who is overweight/obese. From there, I became the first person to complete the original Lean In 60 challenge.
I enjoyed huge levels of weight/fat loss, increased energy, better concentration, improved blood pressure, better glucose & cholesterol levels, and much more. I could feel myself getting fitter by the day & at the end of the project, I had lost a total of 30kg.
I continued to take the principles I learnt from Lean In 60 & make it a part of my lifestyle. Since then I have continued to lose a further 20kg, I’m the fittest I’ve ever been & I feel fantastic.
What I love most about the programme is the fact you can do it anywhere, it doesn't take long to complete workouts, it’s based around real food, and you don’t get products slammed down your throat in order to be successful.
I was struggling with weight post pregnancy and my weight had gained for 3 years and I finally took charge of my life. I joined the Lean in 60 programs followed the program to the letter and I finally changed my body and shaped it the way I wanted. by the end of the program. I had lost a huge 23 cm off my waist and felt the best I ever had. I'm so glad I did the course especially to know I can run around with my son and make his life better because of my health. I totally found that the food and the exercise were achievable and easy to personalise thank you so many guys.
I Had been wanting to make a change with my body for a long time and obviously looking online and social media I couldn't help but want to shape up my body and get it looking a bit better. I decided to do it as I'm all about convenience and doing a 25-minute workout fits perfectly into my life I don't have to think I can just follow the workout. as a dentist, i found the nutrition a little more difficult so I replaced some of my normal meals with smoothies and to be honest, they were pretty good and because I saw my love handles going away I wanted to push harder to ensure I really did make the most of it. I lost about 18% body fat based on the scales at my local gym and couldn't be happier. highly recommend the trainer as they helped me swap a few foods and answered all my questions 10 of 10 for them.
Coming from Poland I hade been overweight for about 12 years and I had very bad habits. I finally wanted to make a change and joined a gym and followed this course I was 33 and pretty bad place struggling to walk upstairs and comfort eating. the course taught me so much about food and nutrition and how I looked at foods and traditional foods I managed to lose 35 kg in the 60 days and carried on losing weight and know been one year later and have lost over 54 kg in weight and so happy I started this journey amazing team as you know you are an amazing course, I wouldn't change a thing. thank you so much.
Wanted to make training easy so used the program to get some quick results before a holiday so I would feel good on the family holiday and also look good in the photos too. simple to follow exercise was right up my ally difficult and intense great course
I joined the lean in 60 challenge to improve my cycling performance & general fitness but really to shift some of the stomach fat that was slowing me down in my races. I got to say a massive thank you to the lean in 60 team as their response to their emails and videos kept me on track for the 60 days. This course helped me achieve my goal of 10% reduction in body fat & increased my core strength & general fitness so now I’m a lot quicker on the hills and in general on the bike and in life thanks guys.
The 60-day challenge helped me to change my life. I have been a member of the gym about a half year when I joined the 60-day challenge. I struggled with the nutrition I didn't know what should I eat or when and what would be the best way to exercise. The 60-day challenge gave me the perfect guide. I learnt so much about the nutrition and I changed my daily routine to a healthier and better one.
The challenge gave me the chance to meet new people with the same goals or with the same difficulties. The group chat on social media was a perfect platform to share food recipes and talk about the process what we all were going through. Share the good and bad feelings and support each other. The 3 fitness test showed me it is not just about the weight loss. At the end of the 60-day challenge I felt I am stronger, fitter besides with my before and after pictures I could see the difference as well.
When I joined the 60-day challenge I wasn't sure what to expect but I knew I needed some help I had been over 100kg for most of my teens and 20s but I didn't want to live like it any more I wanted to be healthy and fit and really feel good about myself.
The first week changed my world as I did everything it said to do followed the workouts and diet and lost almost 7kg in weight I couldn't believe it. I carried on so addicted to the change after this and by the end, I had lost over 18 kg and finally got under 100kg.
This for me was life changing and give me such confidence in my body and that I can change my body. The team were incredible as have alot of questions and problay anoyed them through asking alot but they replied to everthing i asked and couldent have done it with out their help i will be signing back up for anouther soon.
Wow the course was fantastic I literally don't know were I would be without it,I have been struggling with a lot of depression anxiety and a few mental health issues the last 20 so years of my life and my health has taken a back seat, it was only when I got serious with myself that I made the change to get some expert help the team were fantastic really motivating and kept me going when I was down and I have never felt better k lost a load f weight and specifically 11 inches of my stomach which I was super happy about and I feel fitter than ever thank you so much its the best investment I ever made.
When I joined the 60-day challenge I wasn't sure what to expect but I knew I needed to make a change I had been overweight for a lot of time and after watching some motivational videos and documentary I joined the group to lose some of the weight and maybe build a little muscle if I could.
Wow, what an incredible journey over the 60 days, I learnt so much about foods and food groups and ways to decrease my body fat and how to do it fitting in with my life. the exercise was always tough but I started to adapt it to me and made it achievable and lost a lot of weight of my tummy and people say off my face which i guess is a good thing. definitely, be doing the course again s love the social aspect and the comunity you get from it. Cherrs Guys
Before Lean in 60, I was like most of us thinking that eating everything ‘in moderation’ is ok. Also I ha, a few bad eating habits I needed to work on.
When I started Lean in 60 I only had in mind that I wanted to look better, get rid of a few pounds, have a flatter stomach. But as the course progressed my view on exercise and diet started changing. It wasn't any more about looking better but also feeling better, stronger, healthier. It became more of a lifestyle to me than just doing exercises I was given and diet plan. And with that in mind better, a leaner look came along too which was very satisfying and definitely gave a boost to my self-confidence. Being a part of Lean in 60 helped me to see other aspects and benefits of regular exercises and healthy diet. Diet meaning a style of eating not just a slimming diet.
At the end of Lean in 60, I managed to lose almost 4% of body fat. I also learnt there is always room for improvement so decided to continue challenging myself.
I would definitely recommend this course to anybody who isn’t sure where to begin the journey to better, fitter, stronger and healthier version of themselves. Any reason is good to change your life living for a better one. Lean in 60 is a great course that gives that opportunity.
I did the lean in 60 programs as it looked like something that was achievable and also I wanted to quickly change as I had been told by my doctor to exercise a bit more as that would help with my arthritis in my knees as well as bring my high blood pressure down, which were my main concerns. I also wanted to get a flatter stomach, not a sixpack or anything but just flatter
I turned 60 recently I wanted to make sure my health was in a good place. The course was great for me with the daily emails and updated. it really gave me a lot of good advice and fact I never knew about food and eating especially how plant-based eating can help health as you get older. loved the smoothies or most of them the really green ones were a bit tough but hey it got me the results I wanted pretty damn quick
I did the lean in 60 programs a few times as I found it really gave me great results and motivation to keep exercising. I wanted to lose weight to improve my health and know what foods to eat for my family and what will keep them healthy, I struggled to change them but I felt so much better so hopefully I keep it up they will eventually want to eat like me.
I did the lean in 60 courses as I wanted to really lose some weight fast, and I had seen other and got the results I was looking for. I did the course and loved the training which was perfect for what I wanted, most of the information was easy to absorb and I found that when I put the effort in it really showed in my waistline. really happy with my results and if you looking to lose some weight give it a go
I started Lean In 60 initially to lose some extra weight, but it has now become an everyday part of my life. I love it! I have had some incredible weight loss and seen a huge improvement in my strength over the courses. The help and support received from both Ben & Chloe have really helped me keep my motivation and stay focused on my goals. I highly recommend it to anyone looking to get fitter and doesn't know where to start
I joined the course as I found it tough to eat right and like a lot of people wanted to lose weight. not only did I lose about 11kg in weight but got taught about focusing on body fat and not weight so really worked on improving my muscle and performance and the bodyfat will go. as a taxi driver, i used to struggle with eating well at work but the team helped me out and gave me some great ideas so thanks for that really appreciate everything you did.
I joined the lean in 60 plan because I wanted to lose a bit of weight and try to lose my stomach and just get a bit fitter, after doing some personal training and a few other things I decided to really give it a go, when I started the plan saw great results but as it went on i started to slack and my results slowed, still proud of what I did but know I could have done better. loved the course great fun working out with others
As a co-creator of the lean in 60 courses I didn't have the problem your average jo has which was trying to lose body fat I wanted to gain weight specifically muscle mass. I wanted to gain about 10kg in muscle and still stay lean. as a trainer, I set myself this goal to do it on a plant-based diet using all our phase of our program using smoothies, fasting as well as only bodyweight exercise to gain the 10kg. the difference for me was incredible and one of the reason I'm so passionate about this style of training but also ways of eating.
Nutrition has always been the key for me when undertaking a program myself or with a client, the results from training are just the stimulus for the muscles to adapt but eating right has given me everything in regards to overall health and wellness to the feeling of pure power and addictive energy level I know have
I wanted to gain weight as I knew the trainer ban had done the same thing so basically wanted to do that. For a year I had been underweight and called skilly by people and as a guy trying to find himself after a broken relationship I decided that I was going to make that change I weighed 58 kg at the start and hadn't done any exercise in a long time.
I thought the course was incredible as it really pushed me physically I found the exercise taught but wow did my body respond. I cut out the crap and eat their recommended food program to gain muscle and couldn't believe it within 4 weeks I was 65 kg.
I was feeling strong my pushups went from 12 to 48 in a minute in the 60 days and my upper body totally transformed I was actually proud to take off my top on beaches and in my second picture. if you like me looking to gain some muscle and feel confident I couldn't recommend the course enough Thanks Ben for all your help and motivation.
Years of fast foods and a not very active job with unsociable hours made we fall into bad habits. I saw this course online and thought why not, what do I have to lose. I started the course and was intense with emails about food nutrition and exercise but it was exactly what I needed to give me the kick.
The trainers checked in with me quite regularly and kept me motivated and the exercise different. I saw really awesome changes in my energy and felt like I could move faster in just the first week.
I got stronger and lost my stomach which I was happy about. The food and smoothies were easy to follow and fitted in with work and I eat food in the evening so was no problem for me. loved the ease of use with the daily updates.
I was a member at a gym for a while but wasn't seeing the weight loss I was after. I saw the lean in 60 courses online and thought I needed to do something before it was too late I phoned up ben who said I could achieve some huge results if I just made a few simple changes. Doing the course was easy simple to follow and I adapted it to my lifestyle as I'm, not the best healthy eater, but still got some great results by losing 10kg in weight and defiantly haven't felt this good in a long time. Still following the lean in 60 principles and weight still coming off so hopefully soon ill get that target weight
When I started the 60-day course I wanted to lose some of the extra weight I had gained over the last few years. I had a chat with the trainers and with the information they gave me was quite confident I could achieve my goal in 60 days. The eating side of the course was the most difficult as using different foods and super boosters that I had never heard of in my smoothies was different to my 3 square meals a day I was used to. I cut back on my bad habits and really started to see the change in my waist. The exercise was a whole different level I wasn't used to and because of a few issues with my back I had to go easier but still compleated 90% of the sessions. overall I lost a good amount of weight and definitely feel a lot better for it I feel different when I look in the mirror as I can see less body fat around my waist legs and neck which when I look at my before and after I had no idea I was so bad but it needed to be done. highly recommend the course if you wanting to make a few changes and don't know where to start or need that extra motivation
I had been big for a long time and quite unhappy with the way I looked, I had always struggled with my weight and size and always wanted to change but I just enjoyed food too much. I finally started to make a change by joining the gym and then saw this course and thought I needed to make big changes so committed to the 60 days and had some incredible results.
I loved working out with the group and the support was great I mad some good friend on the course and we really gelled together. The exercise was tough but I knew I was getting fitter and stronger so the pain was worth it. The diet was difficult but after a few weeks I got used to it and was loving the results as I saw really big weight loss in the first weeks so that motivated me to keep working hard. I won't say it was all plain sailing but most of the time I stuck to the diet and to be fair felt pretty good when I did.
I would definitely do the course again and I had such good results it inspired my sister to do the course and she also got some great results
All I can say is thank you, thank you thank you thank you. this course changed my life more than you will ever know. I used to have problems going out of my house and interacting in a social situation because of my anxiety and that stopped me doing so much. I hated the way I felt but I couldn't help it. one day something clicked and I just found this course online and thought I would try it as I could do it at home, when I got the first few emails it changed my whole outlook as these trainers really cared about my problems and were genuinely interested in helping me.
After doing about 3 days of the course I thought wow I'm still doing it, when day 10 rolled around I was still and in fact enjoying it there I hadn't stuck any decision I made my entire my adult life, day by day this course became my habit and soon my way of living I felt so confident I could no do things that it helped me overcome a lot of my anxiety and allowed me to be more comfortable in social situations. and for that, i will be forever grateful. I lost weight and felt stronger and started looking at my body in a positive way. I know feel fantastic about my body and plan on doing my first beach holiday soon. thanks so much everyone at lean in 60.
had been looking to lose weight for a long time and trying on my own with diet but difficult as I always want to look after my family first my own nutrition was a second thought. one of my friends had great results on the course and I wanted to try it I committed to the smoothies and couldn't believe how much weight I lost in the first 2 weeks and by the end of the course it had become over 13 kg
I Started my course to lose some weight and really get ahold of my diet as I was big for a few years and just didn't want to feel tired and fat all the time. I did the course and lose a whole lot of weight around my tummy and after 4-5 weeks I was really seeing a huge difference to my body. I started eating healthier and eating a lot more smoothies although I did have the occasional treat I was so happy with my progress after the 60 days I couldn't believe what I had actually done in such a short space of time. the coaches were so helpful and really kept me on track even when i wanted to give in. love the course
Joining the Lean in 60 courses I learnt so much about nutrition and exercise I became happier, I became fitter and actually started looking in the mirror and liking the person smiling back at me.
My self-esteem and self-confidence grew and grew I massively changed my body fat and my energy levels and felt fantastic every day. My new moto is health is your wealth and the program has been my best investment ever I love it – so what are you waiting for join up and change your life?
I joint the 60-day challenge because as a 22-year-old lad I wanted to have a good bod to show off at the beach and feel confident in social situations. I thought the program might not be right for me but I found it was perfect for burning body fat fast and started to lean out quickly my friends started to notice my face was not as fat and I was looking bigger up top. I taught me so much so that I can maintain this body and keep improving it in the future. I defiantly recommend the course for guys looking to lose that body fat.
I joined the course after seeing some of the posters and some of the videos online of what they were up to and some of the results people had had on the course. I had struggled with my weight for a while but it was about time for a change. I needed the 60-day challenge to really push me and force me to get fit as my willpower was sometimes dwindling.
The sessions were hard and they just seemed to get harder but when we came to fitness testing every one of my test improved after just 30 days and improved again after the 60 although I did see big change in my dress size and waist I didn't feel like I had got fitter in till I could run fast for longer and push more weight and do more reps. I was really happy with my results and defiantly motivated me to work like that in my own sessions. Food was difficult sometimes but I know I couldn't always eat my guilty pleasures but by the end, I started to enjoy some of the meals and foods we were making.
I’m not new to ‘training’ but after breaking my thumb following a skiing accident and ending up in a cast I found myself unmotivated, making poor food choices and feeling downright miserable. I needed to make a change. But I needed some support so I decided to join lean in 60. Ben and Chloe were very sensitive to my needs and were happy to tweak the programme to meet them including adapting some of the exercises to accommodate my injury. I didn’t have much ‘weight’ to lose but more-so to reduce body fat, increase muscle mass and get my mojo back!!
I thoroughly enjoyed the programme. I loved the ‘team’ aspect, everyone was very friendly, supportive and respectful of individual goals. I found the sessions both enjoyable and challenging. Both Ben and Chloe are very encouraging and skilled at recognising when one can push that little bit harder. Something I personally need.
I am very happy with the results and the community and friends I made along the way are a lovely added bonus. Most importantly I got my mojo back. Would I repeat the programme? Absolutely!!
About a month before I started my course I had already decided to start to do something about taking better care of my body than I had done in the preceding 15 years. So I had already decided to cut out as much Meat, Dairy, Sugar and Processed foods as possible, spurred on and inspired by the many info docs on Netflix and Amazon that are available. What I will say is that at the start of the course it is very tough, you are introduced to a completely new healthy diet, a daily workout routine and four (if you can make them all) gruelling intensive training sessions where you will find you're not as fit as you thought you were... However, what I will also say is that if you stick at it, after a week or so it starts becoming if not easier (they ramp it up each week) more doable if that makes sense... Your taste buds adapt and your body gets stronger and has more stamina than before and before you know it you're enjoying how hard it is! my favourite indicator was the Visceral Fat Percentage... After my course I had dropped from a size 38 trouser to a 32 and my Visceral fat % had fallen from down 6%.
A routine ultrasound I had soon after confirmed that my Liver had zero fat around it, and that's a good thing! . I still have my demons to conquer, mine is Sugar, it keeps winning but I keep bashing it back and one day I know I will beat it. L6T has given me the tools and strength to accomplish this and the team continue to show an interest and provide advice even though I am no longer in the L6T program.
I was Lucky enough to win the Lean In 60 FREE giveaway over the Christmas period so started my course in January with my mum as we both wanted to lose a little weight since school I had done to much exercise and kind of fallen into bad habits and I knew I didn't want to keep making those choices so we started to change a few things adding in the smoothies to our day and that was quite nice some didn't taste too great but some with more fruit was great. I found the exercise tough to begin with and felt a little out of my depth in the group but after a few sessions, I started to feel the support from the group and also that I was getting fitter. over the entire course from our fitness test, I got faster stronger on all of my fitness tests and lost over a stone in weight and got a real bug for exercise that I'm now carrying on with. loved the course and ben and Chloe were fantastic thanks guys for all your help
When I started the lean in 60 course my main aim was to lose weight and really not be so fat. after a few sessions I realised that this was a whole new level of exercise, my body changed so quickly, losing 2 stone in weight. Ben and Chloe were so good at helping me with my food every step of the way and giving me the advice on what to eat, to keep my losing body fat. I'm so happy with my results and the changes to my body. I'm so glad I di the course and would 100% recommend it to anyone else thinking of doing it"
Fantastic and full of energy!!! This is exactly how I feel right now, although it didn't start like that.
I have always had people tell me how slim I am and that I didn't need to exercise or bother going to the gym. However, as we all know it isn't about how one looks on the outside, it's the inside that is the most important, and me always feeling lethargic led me to sign up to Lean in 60. I am so happy I did!
Lean in 60 enforces healthy eating, exercise and taking account of what you are putting into your body. By following such basic (yet hard) principles, my mindset into nutrition has most definitely evolved...for the better!
I have always followed a vegetarian diet which has been stable, but not consistent with the right variety of fruit and vegetables that we all truly need. These days I have two smoothies a day and a healthy meal along with lots of snacking on fruit and veg. My body doesn't crave the usual chocolates and biscuits because I am getting all that I need with the 'right' foods! Oh, I now love the 85% dark chocolate proving that your taste buds will and do change!
Ben & Chloe are both fantastic trainer's and extremely motivating. They adhere each group session to the individual's capability - whilst striving to push us all to creating new limits! (I am now lifting weights I never ever would have dreamt of). They are literally walking talking fitness encyclopedias and are always more than happy to part with their vast knowledge.
Fantastic trainers combined with fantastic gym facilities on a well-structured training programme, not forgetting self-motivation can only lead to one thing - RESULTS!!!
Lethargy is now a thing of the past!
Joined Lean In 60 to really make a good stab at getting fitter and get rid of belly fat and my moobs, wanted to get fitter to improve you cricket performance and inspire some of the younger generations to look after themselves and lead by example. The sessions we sometimes extremely tough and really got me doing exercises I would have never have tried on my own, but the support from other member was incredible and I would be working in a group environment worked best for me. food was always challenging but started to eat better over the 60 days with only a few cheat days but still managed to lose over 2 stone in weight and my stomach

Why I joined Lean in 60. I had joined the gym in an effort to keep fit and get myself into better shape. Great if you have the enthusiasm and drive to set your own workouts and know what you are doing. Me I need someone to give me instruction and I work better as a part of a group. Lean in 60 offers me all that and more. Group sessions, daily workouts and 24 hour support from two top pts. Not only am I fitter, more toned and lighter in weight i have also changed the type of food I eat. I am not 100% vegan or vegetarian but I eat far less meat and dairy than I used to and definitely feel healthier for that. I am more focused on reaching new goals. Sometimes it is hard but pushing yourself past your comfort zone and getting a pb or doing something you thought impossible really makes you feel good. Dropping 2 dress sizes is also a bonus. It doesn't matter how old you are or what shape you are in Lean in 60 offers something for everyone if you want it. I would recommend the course to everyone.
I Started the lean in 60 courses to lose some weight and get rid of my tummy, I had it for a few years and I didn't feel confident in myself and in my body, as soon as the course started I felt like it was the right decision. I changed my habit and started to exercise every day following the video workouts at the gym and in the home and my nutrition massively improved as I started to eat healthily and really enjoy some of the foods on the videos. I never used to have smoothies before but now they are my favourite thing and I have them every day, just makes my life so much easier and stops me from picking at work. I managed to lose some good weight but also flatten my stomach and most importantly I felt so much more confident in my body, thank you so much guys you were so motivating
I Joined the Lean In 60 challenge to really try and get my health into gear. I wanted to lose some body fat and really improve my fitness, but I couldn't find the motivation for it in the gym on my own. The first week of the course was intense but after that, I felt every week I was getting stronger, by the last week my stomach was flatter and I had so much more energy, not to mention my diet was so much better than it used to be. I would definitely recommend this course for any guys out there looking to really improve their fitness and get their nutrition under control"